020 8787 5750
We have listed the prices for our various treatments / services below. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Please note that we require a credit / debit card payment for the full consultation fee at the time of booking.
New Patient Initial Consultation/ Treatment
Follow Up Consultation / Treatment
Integrative Functional Medicine, Micro Immunotherapy, Herbal Medicine, Naturopathic Medicine, Anti-ageing and Preventative Medicine
£880.00 / 120 minutes
£440.00 / 60 minutes
Bredesen Protocol (for Neurocognitive decline / Dementia / Alzheimer's Disease
£1575.00 / 180 minutes
£1312.50 / 120 minutes (1st follow up) £475.00 / 60 minutes (subsequent follow ups)
£525.00/60 min follow-ups
Food Reactivity (Allergy/ Sensitivity/ Intolerance
£440.00 / 60 minutes
£440.00 / 60 minutes
48 hours notice is required to cancel booked appointments. Appointments missed or cancelled at less than 48 hours’ notice will be subject to the full consultation fee.
We have listed the prices for our various treatments / services below. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Please note that we require a credit / debit card payment for the full consultation fee at the time of booking.
Integrative Functional Medicine, Micro Immunotherapy, Herbal Medicine, Naturopathic Medicine, Anti-ageing and Preventative Medicine
Bredesen Protocol (for Neurocognitive decline / Dementia / Alzheimer's Disease
Food Reactivity (Allergy/ Sensitivity/ Intolerance
New Patient Initial Consultation/ Treatment
£880.00 / 120 minutes
£1575.00 / 180 minutes
£440.00 / 60 minutes
Follow Up Consultation / Treatment
£440.00 / 60 minutes
£1312.50 / 120 minutes (1st follow up) £475.00 / 60 minutes (subsequent follow ups)
£440.00 / 60 minutes
£525.00/60 min follow-ups
48 hours notice is required to cancel booked appointments. Appointments missed or cancelled at less than 48 hours’ notice will be subject to the full consultation fee.
Fees Include:
Review of medical reports, correspondence, test results and medical intake forms.
Email consultation summary and comprehensive treatment plan following the appointment.
Email support for seven days following initial consultation - for clarification of any issues raised in the consultation / treatment plan.
All fees quoted above are for consultation time only and do not include the cost of any invesigations, treatments, medications, nutritional supplements or botanical medicines.
Ongoing clinical support outside of booked consultations is not included.
Other services
Private prescription fee (added to cost of medications) - £45.00
Referral letters / Certificates - £85.00
Private Medical Reports - £150.00 - £350.00 (dependent on length / complexity / preparation time)
Initial 3 hours clinical assessment / consultation.
Bredesen Diagnostic Laboratory diagnostics / Volumetric MRI Scan
First 2 hour follow up consultation - review of results, and discussion of treatment plan.
Initial 3 hours clinical assessment / consultation.
Initial Bredesen Diagnostic Laboratory work up / Volumetric MRI Scan.
First 2 hour follow up clinical consultation - review of results, ReCode report and discussion of the treatment plan.
3 X 60-minute subsequent clinical follow-up consultations.
Nutritional therapy / health coaching support (6 hours spread flexibly over 6 months).
Psychotherapy / Psychological support is available can be included as an additional service (£900.00 for a block of 6 x 60-minute sessions).
Initial 3 hours clinical assessment / consultation.
Initial Bredesin Diagnostic Laboratory work up / Volumetric MRI Scan.
First 2 hour follow up clinical consultation - review of results, discussion of ReCode report and formulation of the treatment plan.
6 X 60 minute subsequent clinical follow up consultations.
Nutritional therapy / health coaching support (12 hours spread flexibility over 12 months)
Psychotherapy / Psychological support is available and can be included as an additional service (£900.00 for a block of 6 x 60-minute sessions).