An allergic reaction occurs when the immune system “overreacts” to a substance by identifying it as foreign, resulting in the synthesis and release of antibodies. Antibodies in turn stimulate the release of chemicals such as histamine, which cause the typical array of allergic symptoms such as swelling, itching, a runny nose and watery eyes. Eventually they can produce far reaching effects on the immune, endocrine and nervous systems.
The incidence of food allergies has increased dramatically over recent years, and it is now estimated that up to 20 percent of the population have adverse reactions to foods. Allergens (substances capable of producing allergic reactions), can be ingested, inhaled or absorbed through the skin. From wheat and dairy products to the house dust mite, and from animal hair to pollens, we are all being bombarded by substances with the potential to cause allergic reactions.
Traditional diagnosis of food hypersensitivity reactions is often based on skin prick tests, food diaries and lengthy food exclusion and reintroduction diets, which require a high level of compliance, and can be problematic. Furthermore, it is virtually impossible to test all the different combinations of food types that may be contributing to the problems.
Dr Greenland offers a range of simple blood tests for food allergies, sensitivity and intolerances that includes panels for both immediate hypersensitivity reactions as well as for more delayed, gut associated intolerances related to ‘leaky gut’ syndrome.
These tests employ state of the art technology to measure the relative levels of antibodies and inflammatory markers to the most commonly encountered foods.
Both food and environmental allergies have been implicated in a wide range of symptoms affecting every part of the body from mildly uncomfortable symptoms such as indigestion and gastritis to severe illnesses such as coeliac disease, arthritis and chronic infection. Allergies have also been linked to severe disorders of the central nervous system such as depression, anxiety and chronic fatigue.
Dr Greenland recommends an initial 60 minute consultation during which he will take your full case history, and explore your dietary intake and symptoms in detail. If allergy testing is clinically indicated, he will explain the options available to you for testing, and answer any questions you may have. If you then wish to proceed, he will take the blood sample and send it for processing.
Dr Greenland recommends a 30 minute follow-up appointment 10-14 days later, during which he can explain your test results in detail, and provide you with a comprehensive printed report. He will also work with you to formulate a bespoke food plan to reduce or eliminate exposure to any identified allergens, and thereby steer you towards optimal health and wellbeing. Subsequent follow up appointments can be arranged as required, to monitor and support you through this treatment process.
These panels measure the levels of specific IgE antibodies responsible for classical acute allergic reactions. These usually present immediately and include: hay fever, asthma, hives, swollen / itchy throat, tongue, lips, gums, watery / itchy/ swollen eyes, rhinitis, colic, anaphylaxis, eczema, and skin rashes:
These panels measure the IgG antibodies associated with ‘delayed’ food reactions that can exacerbate or contribute to many different health problems:
Coeliac disease is an auto-immune disease caused by an inability to properly digest foods containing gluten. Gluten is found in many grains including wheat, oats, rye, barley and spelt. Coeliac disease is chronic, has a genetic component and may affect several family members. It is a life-long condition in which the ingestion of the gluten component of wheat and related cereals leads to damage to the intestinal lining, skin reactions or the nervous system. Coeliac disease is not technically an ‘allergy’ to gluten per se.
IgE Inhalant Profile (IMM06) – Identifies classical allergies to 27 of the most common airborne allergens. – £210.00*
Please get in touch if you can’t see an allergy test panel that meets your individual requirements. We can create a bespoke panel from an extensive repertoire of foods, food additives, environmental allergens (pollens, micro-organisms, mites, animals, insect venoms), occupational chemicals and drugs, as needed. Pricing for these is available on request.
* Prices quoted include test materials, the blood draw (carried out at Dr Greenland’s Chiswick clinic), specimen shipment / courier fees, laboratory processing fees, and a comprehensive printed report of the results. However preliminary and follow up consultations are not included. Please note that prices quoted above are subject to change at short notice, and so you should always contact the clinic for the latest information.
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Greenland Medical is the trading name of Greenland Medical Ltd, Registered in England (Company no. 12880034).
Registered Office address: 143 Station Road, Hampton, Middlesex, TW12 2AL